Monday, June 30, 2008

Heather and John's Wedding Day

As many have noticed I changed the shot on my splash page. I have had a lot of response about the new shot. All good so far, but some people trying to figure out what is in the background. So here is a little background on the background. Heather and John were married in San Diego. We went down to the beach and had a little session on the rocks. It was a perfect high tide. Not great for walking in the sand but just right for big splashing waves:) Safe to say Heather and John were soaked after this shot. About a second later the wave consumed them...but they kept kissing anyway. I will post more from their wedding once their album is finished.


Love, Deborah said...

Jimmy, that is amazing! Looks like a fun session!!

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Oh my gosh! Wow! Unbelievable. I'm glad you explained. I was wondering just that.

Jamie And Leo Sagebin said...

There pics were amazing. You are very talented. I wish Heather would have told me about you when I got Married. I can't wait for you to post more.